LISTEN: In Discussion with Archer accomplishment. Simona Castricum, Dion Kagan + Rochelle Siemienowicz

“If you’re extremely serious when you’re dealing with taboos, you are most unlikely to place other people relaxed.”

– Dion Kagan, Archer Magazine number 5 launch

To commemorate the launch of Archer Magazine’s fifth concern, we heard indication from three authors that are available in the edition, and interrogated their particular make use of a short Q&A. Their particular posts rotate around faith and intercourse, sex change and need, while the stigma around male-male anal intercourse.

SHOW: Archer Mag # 5 release

VENUE: Hares and Hyenas, Melbourne

This list:

HOST: Amy Middleton

GUESTS: Simona Castricum, Dion Kagan, Rochelle Siemienowicz

L-R Amy Middleton, Rochelle Siemienowicz, Simona Castricum, Dion Kagan. Pic: Connie Ogan

SIMONA CASTRICUM is an artist and DJ, a transgender femme based in Melbourne. Simona works and will teach in design within college of Melbourne. The woman writing features formerly featured in Thump and Vice.

DION KAGAN is actually a specialist and arts writer who works on film, TV, intercourse and prominent culture and. He lectures in sex, sexuality and cultural scientific studies during the University of Melbourne, produces a queer line for any Lifted Brow and is also a routine voice on fortnightly society podcast The Rereaders. Their book, excellent photographs: HIV/AIDS as well as the customs of Post-Crisis, is actually upcoming.

ROCHELLE SIEMIENOWICZ is a film critic, reporter, editor and columnist. This lady has a PhD in Australian cinema and ended up being formerly editor at the Australian movie Institute, and film editor for your Big Issue. The woman work has-been posted in era, destroy Your Darlings, ScreenHub and SBS Movies. Her basic publication, Fallen: a memoir about intercourse, faith and marrying too-young is out today.